Löffler, Winfried. 2024. "Warum es keine 'Gottesbeweise' gibt (aber gute Argumente für seine Existenz)", in Gott - eine Provokation (Theologische Trends 34), edited by W. Guggenberger, P. Juen, C. Paganini. Innsbruck: Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät: 15-34.
Löffler, Winfried. 2024. "The Plasticities of Human Nature: From Trivial to Horrendous", in The Future of Imago Dei Theologies in the Context of the New Challenges of Transhumanism (Theology East - West. European Perspectives 32), edited by M. Valčo, K. Valčová. Berlin: Lit: 239-248.
Löffler, Winfried. 2024. "Critical Thinking in Zeiten der Unübersichtlichkeit: Grundzüge eines neuen Lehrveranstaltungskonzepts", in Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum 2/2024 (forthcoming).
Rähme, Boris. 2024. "Disagreement and Religious Relevance", in Dissenting Church: Exploring the Theological Power of Conflict and Disagreement, edited by J. Gruber, M. Schüßler, R. Bobrowic. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2024: 213–229. Open Access:
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-56019-4_13
Löffler, Winfried. 2024. "Erkenntnistheoretische Strukturen heterodoxer Wissensdiskurse", in Rechtfertigungsspiele. Über das Rechtfertigen und Überzeugen in heterodoxen Wissensdiskursen., edited by A. Fischer and M. Lessau. Paderborn: Brill Fink: 21-49.
Löffler, Winfried. 2024. ""Weltanschauung": Eine semantische Groblandkarte", in Weltanschauung. Konturierungen eines umstrittenen Themas (Innsbruck Studies in Philosophy of Religion 3), edited by W. Löffler. Paderborn (Brill mentis): 1-10.
Löffler, Winfried. 2023. "Secularization and other Master-Theories on Religion and Society: A European Perspective", in Social and Human Development in Vietnam, edited by V. H. Nguyen, D. Briesen. Baden-Baden (Nomos): 27-37.
Lintner, Martin M. 2023. "Synodalität und theologische Ethik. Methodische und erkenntnistheoretische (An)Fragen zum Umgang mit Dissens", in Theologie als Werkstatt. Offene Baustellen einer praktischen Theologie (Werkstatt Theologie – Praxisorientierte Studien und Diskurse, Bd. 25), edited by R. Bucher, R. Krockauer, J. Pock. Münster (Lit): 87–98.
Hill, Scott. Forthcoming. "Gaslighting and Peer Disagreement", Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (accepted 09/09/2023).
Dell’Eva, Gloria. Forthcoming. “Il miracolo nel pensiero di Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Salto mortale, percezione e libertà”, Rosmini Studies 10 (2023) (received 08/05/2023, accepted 16/06/2023).
Dell’Eva, Gloria. Forthcoming. “Dialogo solitario: Hans Urs von Balthasar interprete di Martin Buber”, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica (received 13/02/2023, accepted 09/05/2023).
Löffler, Winfried. 2023. "Is Religion Incompatible with Modern Society? A Philosophical Critique of Secularist and Fundamentalist ‘Solutions’", in In Service of a Servant Church: Outlines and Challenges for Catholic Theology Today, edited by G. Prüller-Jagenteufel, R. C. Mendoza, G. Ladner. Paderborn (Brill Schoeningh): 211-224.
Rähme, Boris. 2023. "Religiously Relevant Disagreement", in In Service for a Servant Church: Outlines and Challenges for Catholic Theology Today, edited by G. Prüller-Jagenteufel, R. C. Mendoza, G. Ladner. Paderborn (Brill Schoeningh): 137-146.
Lancellotta, Eugenia. 2023. "Le convinzioni deliranti: marchio della follia, meccanismo di difesa o “spoletta di emergenza”?", in I discorsi dell’oltre: fascino e pericoli della polarizzazione, edited by M. Leone. Trento (FBK Press): 59-66. DOI: 10.14598/Discorsi_oltre_202306
Costa, Paolo. 2023. "Forza e fragilità nella vita etica. Un caso speciale di resilienza morale", in I discorsi dell’oltre: fascino e pericoli della polarizzazione, edited by M. Leone. Trento (FBK Press): 11-22. DOI: 10.14598/Discorsi_oltre_202302
Rähme, Boris. 2023. "Menzogne, Menzogne Sfacciate e Asserzioni", in I discorsi dell’oltre: fascino e pericoli della polarizzazione, edited by M. Leone. Trento (FBK Press): 293-313. DOI: 10.53136/979122180972517
Rähme, Boris. 2023. "Disaccordo e rilevanza religiosa", in I discorsi dell’oltre: fascino e pericoli della polarizzazione, edited by M. Leone. Trento (FBK Press): 79-91. DOI: 10.14598/Discorsi_oltre_202308
Rähme, Boris. 2023. "Methodological Agnosticism and Charitable Interpretation: How to Bracket Religious Truth Claims in the Study of Religions", Annali di Studi Religiosi 24, pp. 321-334. DOI: 10.14598/Annali_studi_relig_24202325
Amor, Christoph. 2023. "Totgesagte leben länger – Kleines Plädoyer für die akademische Theologie", in Braucht es Theologie? Überlegungen zu ihrer gesellschaftlichen Relevanz (Brixner Theologisches Jahrbuch, vol. 13), edited by J. Ernesti, M. Lintner, M. Moling. Brixen/Innsbruck: 25–37.
Lintner, Martin. 2023. "Theologische Ethik im Spannungsfeld von Kirchlichkeit und kritischer Öffentlichkeit. Die theologische Dimension der Moraltheologie im säkularen Kontext", in Braucht es Theologie? Überlegungen zu ihrer gesellschaftlichen Relevanz (Brixner Theologisches Jahrbuch, vol. 13), edited by J. Ernesti, M. Lintner, M. Moling. Brixen/Innsbruck: 87–106.
Hill, Scott. 2022. “The Role of Stereotypes in Theorizing about Conspiracy Theories: A Reply to Dentith.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8): 93-99.
Hill, Scott. 2022. “A Revised Defense of the Le Monde Group.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8): 18-26.
Hill, Scott. 2022. "Substantive Disagreement in the Le Monde Debate and Beyond: Replies to Deutz and Dentith, Basham, and Hewitt." Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (11): 18-25.